Apart from landscaping, our company also offers snow removal in the winter, maintenance services, and repairs for damaged fences, flagstones, or decks. We also have a gardening and lending shop that lend and sell yard and gardening tools such as lawnmowers, slashers, hedge shears, power hedge trimmers, and many other devices. Currently, we do not serve the clients in the United States since we are not registered in the country and, therefore, not permitted to do so. However, we might look at the prospects of crossing the border shortly. Currently, JRALA Landscape operates in and around Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. However, we are also capable of working as far as the northern parts of Ontario and Quebec but mostly for large projects. Yes, we do. We have a team of designers who can work with architectures to incorporate building construction with landscaping. Some landscaping designs are best suited during home construction. This depends on the state and the type of work to be done. For example, in Toronto, you will need a permit if work will include the use of heavy machinery and digging. We, however, help our clients to determine whether they need a permit. Furthermore, we also assist in securing proper documentation if there is a need for a permit.